Code Enforcement Process

Step 1: Filing a Complaint

Contact Code Enforcement though City Hall with the complaint. Code Enforcement may be out in the city working and unavailable to speak with you. Filling out the online form below or leaving a message with City Hall is the best way to contact Code Enforcement.

Investigating a Complaint: As soon as a complaint has been received, Code Enforcement will make a site visit to see if a violation exists. If a violation is seen, Code Enforcement will determine who the responsible party/property owner is. Once that is established, the appropriate parties will be notified of violation(s).

Step 2: Notifications

Once the responsible party has been determined, Code Enforcement will let them know of the violation(s). This will either be in person contact or in the form of a notification letter. All warnings will contain a compliance date. If this date is not met, Code Enforcment may issue a second notice. In some situations, such as health, or safety or repeat violations, there may not be a notification before a citation is issued.

Step 3: Citation

If the code violation is not remedied during the notification process, then the responsible party/property owner might be given an Oregon Uniform Citation and Complaint. Once issued, the person receiving the citation needs to appear in court on the date given on the citation. If defendant is found guilty of violation of the code after judicial proceedings, the judge may impose a civil penalty, like a fine.

Step 4: Abatement

The situation needs to be corrected, if not after citation, the City may post the property with Notice to Abate. At the end of a ten (10) day period, City might enter the property, with judicial approval, to remove or abate the violations. Once completed, the property owner will be billed for the associated costs. After 30 days of billing, if not paid the abatement costs, the City may place a lien on the property to recover the costs from the abatement.

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