Water pressure reduction in some Willamina neighborhoods

Posted on February 22, 2024

The City of Willamina is aware that some citizens have experienced a decrease in water pressure. Our Public Works department has decreased the water pressure in the areas of 6th street and Highlands Loop. The pressure was lowered to 50 pounds per square inch (psi) to accommodate for another neighborhood having too high of pressure. The Oregon Health Authority stipulates that water suppliers must “maintain a pressure of at least 20 pounds per square inch (psi) at all service connections at all times” – Oregon Administrative Rule 333-061-0025(7). The City of Willamina does not guarantee that water can be provided continuously at a particular pressure. Varying demands on the system may require changes in operations that affect the flow and pressure of water service.

If you are experiencing issues with your private plumbing system, you may elect to have it inspected by a plumber. Property owners may also decide to install a booster pump system on their side of the meter. The property owner is responsible for the installation, operation, and maintenance of any pressure-boosting system. This may also require the installation of a backflow device. Please call the City for requirements prior to installation at (503) 876-2242.

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