Join us for our annual Trunk or Treat event! Organizations and businesses may register to participate in creating a fun, safe halloween activity for kids. Complete the registration form (copies available at City Hall) and submit no later than October 18th to Christine Talley [email protected]. For questions call (503) 876-2242.
Event Details
Date: Tuesday October 31, 2023
Time: 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Location: 411 NE C Street
A map indication your space number will be available at the registration table, located in front of the Willamina Public Library, 382 NE C St. Please review and sign that you will adhere to the following policies:
- Treats must be commercially made and wrapped
- Please decorate your trunk/vehicle. No scary or violent displays.
- Please no toy weapons, guns, knives, etc. No open flames, fireworks, or flammable materials.
- Cars must be turned off for the duration of the event. No electricity will be available.
- Vehicle must be ready at 5:15 PM. The registration table will be open at 4:30 PM to assist you.
- Participants must stay with their vehicles for the entire event, from 5:30-7 PM.
- Vehicles cannot be left unattended, so please plan on having two people during the event. We ask that you help us by cleaning your area/space.
- This is a non-alcohol and smoke-free event.
- For questions call City Hall at (503) 876-2242