FAQ Topic: Permits & licensing
Yes, a business license and daily fee (per representative) is required to sell goods door-to-door. Business licenses are subject to approval. Please allow sufficient time to apply and process your license before you plan on selling door-to-door. Once approved you must carry the license on your person at all times. You may complete the business … Continued
Yes. A copy of the permit can be found by clicking this link. You may also call Code Enforcement at (503) 437-6975 or stop by City Hall to request a permit.
The City of Willamina does not require garage sale permits.
Permits are required for signs, fences, and many building projects. Visit our planning page for more information or call (503) 876-2242.
Submit a Building Compliance Application to City Hall. You may also visit our planning page for more information or call (503) 876-2242.
You must complete a business license applicationĀ and pay applicable fees. Annual fees are due on April 1st. You can pay by mail or in person at 411 NE C Street. We accept cash, check, money order, or credit card.
Yes. You must complete a business license applicationĀ and pay applicable fees. Annual fees are due on April 1st. You can pay by mail or in person at 411 NE C Street. We accept cash, check, money order, or credit card.