Document Types: Resolutions
Resolution No. 17-18-011 Water Sewer Rate Increase
Resolution approving a change of rates and authorizing 5% increase to water and sewer rates annually in January.
Resolution No. 21-22-019 Lift Stations
Lift Stations
Resolution No. 21-22-016 Skyberg Way
Skyberg Way
Resolution No. 21-22-015 Amend CIP
Amend CIP 03.08.2022
Resolution No. 21-22-014 Amending 21-22 Budget
Amending 21 22 Budget 03.08.2022
Resolution No. 21-22-013 Park Grants
Park Grants 02.08.2022
Resolution No. 21-22-012 Rescinding No. 21-22-009
Rescinding 21 22 009 1.11.2022
Resolution No. 21-22-011 Supplemental Budget
Supplemental Budget 1.11.2022
Resolution No. 21-22-010 Temporary Construction Fee Reduction
Temporary Construction Fee Reduction 12.14.2021